Current Leadership
Below is a list of who are current leadership is during the 2022-2023 academic year.
Core Officers
Appointed Positions
Team Leadership
Welcome to the RoboJackets BattleBots wiki!
Everyone has seen BattleBots on T.V., fighting to the death in a gladiatorial-style arena in a shower of steel, sparks, and glory, and yet many people haven't the first clue about what it takes to build one!
RoboJackets' BattleBots team tries to solve this, by teaching members to design and build a robot 1) robust enough to take multiple beatings, but 2) strong enough to deliver its own beatings in return. A good technical challenge that takes hundreds of man-hours and buckets of love. We have built battle-ready robots in the 120 lb, 60 lb, 30 lb, 12 lb, and 3 lb weight classes, including (based on their active weapon) drum spinners, ring spinners, shell spinners, veritical and horizontal bar spinners, sumo bots, walkers, and even the occassional wedge.
We use mostly mechanical skills with some degree of electrical experience to implement our carefully CAD'ed designs, to personally manufacture the majority of our robots. Ultimately our goal is to build an awesome machine to fight one-on-one with another robot in the same weight class, all the while learning practical applications of tooling and machining, and gaining invaluable experience in the design and manufacturing process.
Meeting Times
We meet in the Student Competition Center (Building on 14th Street). Wear closed-toe shoes and a t-shirt (long sleeves must be rolled up) since we will be using the machine shop. Bring a hair tie if needed. Consult the #carpool Slack channel for information regarding the time and place of the carpool. Please note that once 3 pound program members are placed on teams, that they will only meet on either Thursday OR Friday until further notice.
- Thursday: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
- Friday 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Current Leadership
- Project Manager: AJ Abrigo
- The Hand: John Matthews
- The Foot: Evan Strakes
- 3lb Czar: Dylan Park
Bot Leads:
- Galaxi: Shri Thada
- Cherri: Alex King
- Graviti: Isaac Auner
The Competition
The competition consists of fights between robots in the same weight class. Competition rules place certain limits on weapon design and robot weight, for a fair contest and for the safety of the observers. For instance, entanglement weapons such as ropes or nets are prohibited along with invisible weapons such as electrical interference. This focuses the robot design on aggressive weapons designed to break apart or incapacitate the other robot, and the only limit on this type of weapon is that it is well engineered so as to not harm the people around it. The presence of these aggressive weapons forces the robots to be designed to withstand large shock loads, both mechanically and electrically. The challenge of the BattleBots team is unique in that a balance needs to be reached between defensive and offensive abilities, all while ensuring that the robot is very robust in all aspects. Even a single wire or bolt coming loose will cause defeat in an intense fight! This year we plan on attending two competitions, Motorama in Harrisburg, PA and RoboBrawl in Champaign, IL.
3 Pound Program
The three pound program is for new BattleBots members to learn the technical skills needed to succeed in BattleBots and create their very first 3 pound BattleBot. Members of this program will have the opportunity to work on a team to create a 3 pound beatleweight bot for competition. Through this process they will become proficient in Inventor CAD, machining abilities, electrical work, and teamwork. Once graduated from the 3 pound program, members can take what they've learned to the next level on a big bot team. Check out the links below for some advice on your 3 pound bot.
3 Pound Links
- 3lbers
- 3lb Beginner's Guide
- Electronics Basics
- List of 3lb Robots
- Riobotz Combot Tutorial (400 page guide on how to build battlebots written by the pro-team that built Minotaur. A must read.)
- NHRL March 2023
- State of Franklin Robot Rumble 2023
- NHRL June 2023
- December In House Competition 2023
- Motorama 2018
- RoboGames 2018
- Motorama 2017
- RoboGames 2017
- Motorama 2016
- RoboGames 2016
- Motorama 2015
- RoboGames 2015
- RJ BattleBots Overview Page
- RoboGames
- Riobotz Combot Tutorial (400 page guide on how to build battlebots written by the pro-team that built Minotaur. A must read.)
- BattleBots BeetleWeight Wiki Template
- Competition Tool Packing List
- Robot Basics
- Materials Database (RoboJackets compiled database of common battlebot materials and their properties)
- NHRL Wiki
- NHRL Discord Server
- (Website to find upcoming and previous robot combat events)
- 3D Printing for Battlebots Guide
- Project Manager: Marvin Ren
- Mechanical Lead: Arunn Sankar
- Electrical Lead: Vacant
- Software Lead: David Calderon
- Science Lead: Tanishq Moondra & Eli Vasquez
- Project Manager: Sid Parikh
- Technical Director: Saihari Kota
- Mechanical Lead: Nicholas Sackleh
- Electrical Lead: Kelvin Hau
- Software Lead: Jack Sherling
- Firmware Lead: Nate Wert
- Project Manager: Mukilan Karthikeyan (interim)
- Electrical Lead: Vacant
- Mechanical Lead: Vacant
- Software Lead: Mukilan Karthikeyan
- Project Manager: Jinhee Chang
- Electrical Lead(s): Joe Sung, Rudra Goel, Peter Rice
- Mechanical Lead: Cord Morgan
- Software Lead: Xander Riddle