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Year Of Creation 2022-2023
Wins/Losses 2/2
Information and Statistics
Weight Class BeetleWeight
Weapon Class Ring/shell spinner
Combined Wins/Losses 2/2

A modified version of Blasphemi


State of Franklin Robot Rumble 2023

  • Results:2-2
    • Bracket Style:
      • Nasti vs Scampi] (Win)
        • Nasti won by hitting the back of Scampi which caused the electronics to spill out
        • Difficult drive, especially while spinning. Needed a cooldown before spinning up again
      • Nasti vs Anomali] (loss)
        • Went to judges' decision. Nasti lost because Anomali had been more aggressive and controlling since we couldn't get a good hit, our impactors flew away when trying to hit, and Anomaly kept pushing us around without its weapon on
        • Difficult drive, same cooldown problem. Lost its impactor due to the screws holding the impactors breaking. Only had two impactors instead of four due to weight limit and made holes after the fight to have four impactors
      • Nasti vs T3] (Win)
        • The best fight. Nasti at first got a hit against T3 but got sent flying and lost 2 out of 4 impactors. Then Nasti collided, while spinning, the side of T3 which sent both flying but Nasti landed in the pit and lost all of its impactors. However, Nasti was able to spin so fast that it literally spun itself out of the pit and back to the stage. Nasti won because the electronics of T3 failed during the impact and could no longer move.
        • Lost its impactor due to the screws holding the impactors breaking. After the fight, the ring was loose and one of the wheels was functioning but had lost some tightness.
      • Nasti vs Feloni] (Loss)
        • Nasti and Feloni had an impact where Feloni knocked our impactors out and damaged our drive but their weapon stopped working. Feloni pushed Nasti into the pit where Nasti tried to spin itself out but instead had a battery failure and went out in smokes.
        • Difficult drive, same cooldown problem. Lost its impactor due to the screws holding the impactors breaking. After getting hit it could only crab walk, the foam ring got ripped into pieces when it tried to spin out of the pit and the overwork of the motor caused the battery failure.


Nasti Version Nasphlemi

Created by: Kevin Xiao, Kamal Kay-Ramos, Alejandro Ojeda, Nano, Javier Rodriguez, Nathan

Drive Motors BotKits 22mm DC Gearmotor
Drive Motor Controllers Scorpion Mini
Weapon Motor BadAss 2310-2350Kv Brushless Motor
Weapon Motor Controllers YEP 60A (2~6S) SBEC Brushless Speed Controller
Receiver Hobby King 2.4Ghz Receiver 6Ch V2
Remote Control Hobby King 2.4Ghz 6Ch Tx and Rx V2
Battery MaxAmps 3s 1050mah

Max Weapon RPM supossedly 10,000 RPM
Min Spin Up Time 1 second
Drive Speed about 1 m/s


  • (Weapon) The ring impactor holder was too small for the impactors we designed since the ring was not the original weapon we designed on
  • (Drive)Originally was supposed to be a shuffler but was too complicated for us. We could not swap out our drive motors if they ever had a malfunction and needed to be replaced. Driving was difficult because due to the sensitivity of the remote controller and barely was possible to control moving while spinning up.
  • (Electronics) Needed a lot of zip ties to hold them down so that we could close the bot.

Good aspects

  • (Weapon) Impactors basically made the ring spinner hit as if it was a hammer. The foam ring was very reliable in spinning the ring.
  • (Chassis)Very sturdy, it was sent flying and was upside down yet Nasti kept working fine.


  • (Weapon) Not completely sure why a cooldown occurred after a short amount of spin up. Have the correct impactor holders or have smaller impactors to be less easily sheared.
  • (Chassis) The foam ring for the motor was very useful as it expanded when speeding up making sure to contact the ring.
  • (Electronics) The motor was a bit too powerful, either get a battery with more voltage or reduce the amps of the motor


  • (whatever images and videos you have)


State of Franklin nickname: the waffler of death

Originally was supposed to be 0pi but Bryce turned down the name

Kevin Xiao, Kamal Kay-Ramos, Alejandro Ojeda, Nano, Javier Rodriguez, Nathan