How To Record Data On Sedani

From RoboJackets Wiki
Revision as of 18:09, 6 July 2018 by Mbarulic (talk | contribs) (Created page with "# Follow [This guide] to set up a static IP ethernet connection on your computer # Turn on Sedani # Start the platform software `$ roslaunch rr_platform sedani.launch` # Conne...")
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  1. Follow [This guide] to set up a static IP ethernet connection on your computer
  2. Turn on Sedani
  3. Start the platform software `$ roslaunch rr_platform sedani.launch`
  4. Connect an ethernet cable to Sedani's computer and your laptop. (You can unplug Sedani's monitor now)
  5. ssh into Sedani's computer (from your laptop) `$ ssh robojackets@`
  6. start a screen session `$ screen`
  7. start recording `$ roslaunch rr_platform sedani_record_data.launch`
  8. detach from the screen session 'Ctrl-A', 'd'
  9. End your ssh session `$ exit`
  10. Unplug the ethernet cable and drive the car around
  11. When you're done driving, reconnect the ethernet cable
  12. ssh back into Sedani `$ ssh robojackets@`
  13. Reattach to the screen session `$ screen -r`
  14. Stop recording 'Ctrl-C'
  15. Stop the screen session `$ exit`
  16. Stop the ssh session `$ exit`
  17. From here, you can reconnect Sedani's monitor or do whatever else you want to do.