Getting Started
Before we begin the real work here are few things to get everyone up and running with our tools. By the end of this mini-tutorial you should be:
- Able to work with Eagle CAD and have it installed on your home machine
- Able to edit and post material to the wiki
Part One: Playin with Eagle
Eagle CAD is a fairly decent, free, electical CAD software that gives you the ability to draw schematics and then build actual board layouts from these schematics. Once you have built a schematic and layout in Eagle you can then send off the files describing the board to your favorite fab house like Advanced Circuits. We are moving towards using Eagle as our standard CAD software, therefore in order to electrical design with us you are going to need to learn Eagle CAD. Now, I could have written this tutorial myself but I'm lazy. So, I'm going to use the tutorial from Sparkfun. If you don't know already Sparkfun is the online retailer for all things embedded. If you have a devious project in mind Sparkfun is the place to start.