About Trello

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Revision as of 18:07, 11 September 2015 by Jkamat (talk | contribs)
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How to use Trello:

  1. Sign up for a trello account here: https://trello.com/signup
    1. You may create a new trello account or use your google account for logging in.
  2. Ask your PM to add you to your subteam's trello board. They will need the email you used to sign up or your gmal address if you signed in with google.
  3. For detailed instructions, follow trello's getting started guides: [1] [2]

General Tips:

  1. When you start a large project, it's usually best to have a trello card for it. Create this trello card in the subteam board it applies to, and under the correct catagory within that board
  2. Add memebers who are working with you on this project to the card.
  3. Add labels that apply to the card's contents to the card
  4. If a card has multiple parts to it, you can create a checklist for each subtask, and check them off to show progress.
  5. Add a due date to the card. For events, this is the start time of the event.
  6. When you have completed the task, archive the trello card.