RoboCup: Redesign 2014-2015

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Revision as of 18:00, 8 December 2014 by JonJones (talk | contribs)
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Phase I: Techanical Analysis

The first stage of the 2014-2015 RoboCup redesign involves brainstorming potential upgrades by researching new technologies/resources since the last revision. A parallel analysis of current robot bugs and potential enhancements is also done at this time. Outlined below is a listing of resources that the team used in it's brainstorming stage.


Phase II: Design

Controlling Unit

To Do


  • Obtain mbeds for robot use


Max PCB Dimensions

To Do

  • Determine location and placement for dribbler motor header
  • Determine optimal placement direction for drive motor's phase connections (motor board)
  • Add connection header for ball sensor to control board
  • Add wires among connections in CAD assembly files
  • Test motor wire modifications before working on the entire batch of motors
  • Determine kicker connections and integration


  • Update hall connection header to right angled one
  • Add pin locations to all connection housings in CAD part files
  • Update the 14-pin connection header (female) for the control-to-motor board connection
  • Finalize method for adjusting motor wire lengths when motors arrive
  • Determine placement of battery location


CC1101 C++ library

Current protocol [LINK TO BE CREATED & UPDATED]

To Do

  • Determine optimal secondary frequency for base station updates
  • Test methods using breakout boards and compare data rates
  • Successfully communicate using two (2) nRF24L01+ transceivers and two (2) mbeds
  • Research and determine best steps for structuring radio protocol with primary and seconday frequencies
  • Research integration options of the CC1111 and nRF24LU1+


  • Ordered 5 CC1111 transceivers as samples from TI
  • Successfully communicate using two (2) CC1101 transceivers and two (2) mbeds
  • Obtain breakout boards for CC1101
  • Obtain breakout boards for nRF24L01+


A few major change to the FPGA's Verilog code must be made for the 2015 redesign. This means documentation mean be produced/located for how the FPGA currently communicates on the SPI bus and append documentation for new protocol.

Program for FPGA development (this is on ECE's virtual lab pool computers - can connect to it from anywhere):

Command Read/Write Definition
0x00 Read Only Receive Data Readings
0x01 Write Set motor speeds

Array Index Bit(s) Definition
0 7..0 FPGA Version (0x04 in 2014)
1 7..0 Encoder 1 Count (LSB)
2 7..0
Encoder 1 Count (MSB)
3 7..0
Encoder 2 Count (LSB)
4 7..0
Encoder 2 Count (MSB)
5 7..0
Encoder 3 Count (LSB)
6 7..0
Encoder 3 Count (MSB)
7 7..0
Encoder 4 Count (LSB)
8 7..0
Encoder 4 Count (MSB)
9 7..0
Motor Fault
10 7..0
Kicker Status
11 7..0
Kicker Voltage
12 7..0
Hall Count 1
13 7..0
Hall Count 2
14 7..0
Hall Count 3
15 7..0 Hall Count 4
16 7..0
Hall Count 5

Array Index Bit(s) Definition
0 7..0 Packet Type (0x01)
1 7..0 Motor 1 Speed (LSB)
2 7..4

Reserved (Always 0)

3..2 Motor 1 Drive Mode
1..0 Motor 1 Speed (MSB)
3 7..0 Motor 2 Speed (LSB)
4 7..4 Reserved (Always 0)
3..2 Motor 2 Drive Mode
1..0 Motor 2 Speed (MSB)
5 7..0 Motor 3 Speed (LSB)
6 7..4 Reserved (Always 0)
3..2 Motor 3 Drive Mode
1..0 Motor 3 Speed (MSB)
7 7..0 Motor 4 Speed (LSB)
8 7..4 Reserved (Always 0)
3..2 Motor 4 Drive Mode
0..1 Motor 4 Speed (MSB)
9 7..0 Dribbler Motor Speed (LSB)
10 7 Kicker Charge
6 Chipper Enable (1=Chip, 0=Kick)
5..4 Reserved (Always 0)
3..2 Dribbler Motor Drive Mode
1..0 Dribbler Motor Speed (MSB)
11 7..0 style="text-

To Do

  • Transition the I2C bus lines to the microcontroller
  • Update Verilog for new balanced encoder signals (A+, A-, B+, B-)
    • ( (A+) + (A-) == 0 ) should be true for no errors


  • Determine what communications occur over the SPI bus
  • Finalized that the 2015 motor will use the current FPGA


Maxon 50W Custom Motor Drawing

Maxon 50W Motor Datasheet

To Do

  • Order motor controller boards
  • Test different circuits and document data result set to wiki


  • Ordered 3 DRV8301 Pre-Drivers from TI
  • Finalized the protyping designs of single motor controllers
  • Ordered motors

Motion Sensing

To Do

  • Integrate the MPU-9250 into the I2C data bus lines from the mbed


Error Detection & Indication

To Do

  • Determine best solution for controlling the WS2812B RGB LED


  • Create breakout board for MCP23017 and place on GitHub repo (robocup-pcb)

Battery & Power

The following contains a listing of batteries that were considered for the 2015 design along with other battery/power adapters and accessories.


Zippy Flightmax 2200mAh 5S 40C


XT60 (Male)

XT60 12AWG 10cm

Charging Lead

XT60 Banana Plug

Balancing Board

Charge/Balance Board

All Batteries

Zippy Flightmax 2500mAh 5S 20C

Zippy Flightmax 1800mAh 5S 40C

Zippy Compact 2450mAh 5S 35C

Turnig 2200mAh 5S 30C

Thunder Power 2000mAh 5S 16C

Phase III: Production

Electronics Assembly <- Sparfun uses these guys for all their solder stencils