Hough Transform
Revision as of 20:51, 5 February 2020 by Athrasher7 (talk | contribs)
This algorithm is implemented as the LinearHoughTransform2 filter for the ImageFilterDemo program.
A good description is on this page.
Wikipedia also has its own Hough Transform article.
- Able to detect dashed lines
- Designed for detecting straight lines, making it tricky to use for curved lines - which will probably be common
- Designed to detect lines as opposed to detecting line segments
- Computationally expensive (when compared to simple filters)
- A binary/grayscale image hilighting the line-pixels in the input image
- A list of the positions/orientations of the lines detected in the input image
Issues with the Current Implementation
- The current implementation does not work well with input images containing no lines. This, however, is due to the way that Hough output is thresholded - the Hough algorithm itself still works well.